Google Sheets

With Google Sheets, everyone can work together in the same spreadsheet at the same time. Use formulas, functions, and formatting options to save time and simplify common spreadsheet tasks.

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Video Tutorials

Google Sheets Tutorial for Beginners

00:11- Creating a new spreadsheet

01:31- Converting .csv and .xlsx files to Google Sheets Files

02:25- Creating and Formatting sheets inside of a spreadsheet

03:35- Adding and Customizing columns

05:11- Creating a Database

05:57- Formatting Data and Cells

07:55- Useful Shortcuts

08:20- Smart spreadsheet features (pasting values, format, transposed, sequences, using Math operators (* / + -)

10:10- Anchoring values using $ sign

11:00 - Basic functions/formula (SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT)

12:10 - Share and collaborate

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