
The IT department utilized the Filewave MDM system to help manage district devices.  This MDM system has a self-serve kiosk.  This feature will allow end-users to install various district-approved applications and perform routine maintenance processes on their district-owned computers.


Step 1. On the taskbar, click the chevron icon on the right. (as seen below

Step 2. From there, click the red 'tornado' icon (this can take a moment to pop up if the device was just turned on)

Step 3. When you do, this will bring up a list of programs that are available to install on your device. Choose the one from the list and click the install button to the right of it.

Step 4. Some programs are larger than others. It could take 5-10 minutes in some cases. After that, the program should be presented on your computer.


Step 1: Find and click on the FileWave Self-Service Kiosk in the menu bar. This icon may disappear after a reboot for several minutes. If your device has been on and online for an extended period of time and the icon is not present, please contact IT.

Step 2: By clicking on the icon you get 2 choices. 

Step 3: By clicking on the icon you get 2 choices. “Client info” will give you information about the device’s connection back to FileWave. If the device has not checked in recently, you can force a check in by clicking “verif