
Drawing of books with an apple on top

SEL is grounded in equity and empathy.  The resources below are intended to help staff build and maintain relationships by respecting students' perspectives, acknowledging cultural differences, and seeing students as individuals. 

SEL Learning Experiences

30 Days of SEL



For Holiday Feelings and Self-Care resources click here.

Find out ways to relax and rejuvenate during this busy time of the year.  Click here for additional information

Classroom whiteboard with the words "destress Monday at school" written on it

The DeStress Monday at School Program is designed to support teachers and educators by offering simple ways to introduce stress management techniques into their routine, starting every Monday.  

The Three Signature Practices Guide

CHCCS 3 Signature Practices

The Three Signature Practices Guide is designed to promote a welcoming classroom environment and help teachers, staff and students model and practice social and emotional learning skills. The guide offers planning and implementation resources for activities that strengthen teacher-student relationships and student engagement, which supports improved academic outcomes. 

Social and Emotional Competency : Self Management and Social Awareness

Self-management is the ability to control your feelings, thoughts, and behavior in calm and stressful situations. 

Preview of link for EdResearch for Recovery

This brief is one in a series aimed at providing K-12 education decision makers and advocates with an evidence base to ground discussions about how to best serve students during and following the novel coronavirus pandemic.

Logo of an apple, map, cap and pillar

The NC Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Implementation Team listened to young people and adults across North Carolina to create the following vision for social and emotional learning (SEL) in North Carolina Public Schools.

Rocks stacked on one another with a blue background

A positive escape using anxiety reduction and relaxation techniques to provide healthy outlets for stressful times. 

Restorative Practices

Let's Talk Restorative Practices: Part 1 - It's Circle Time

a plant beginning to grow

Returning Staff and Students to a Healthy Learning Community

Sample Prompting Circles Questions.pdf

Sample Prompting Questions/ Topics for Circles

Circle Prompts.pdf

Restorative Circles Openings and Closings