Mental Health

Nearly one in five North Carolina students has at least one emotional, behavioral or developmental disability (Splett, 2014). The trauma experienced by students during the COVID-19 outbreak has exacerbated this significant issue. As we work to meet students' needs during the pandemic, CHCCS will continue to prioritize the emotional and mental health of all students, staff, and families. 

women sitting down and smiling

Children and adolescents often struggle to access the mental health services needed to ensure their social and emotional well-being. At CHCCS we strive to offer a continuum of services, with supports based on the degree of a student’s needs. Our district provides co-located mental health as a Tier III (Intense/Individualized) intervention available to students and families throughout CHCCS. By partnering with local mental health providers, we are able to offer co-located mental health outpatient therapy to support students within the school building, during the school day. Additionally, CHCCS employs mental health staff  at each school to provide core (Tier I) and targeted (Tier II) support based on student needs. 

Mental Health Tiers

Our School Counselors, School Nurses, School Psychologists and School Social Workers are our mental health “first responders.” They provide mental health support across three tiers:


Tier 1:  Mental Health Promotion and Awareness. Core instruction is provided through social and emotional learning activities and the use of equity-centered classroom strategies. All students receive this support. 

Tier 2: Mental Health Early Intervention. Small group interventions, mentoring, and low-intensity classroom-based supports such as a daily behavior reports, daily teacher/staff check-ins, and/or individualized, brief counseling sessions. 


Tier 3: Mental Health Intensive Care Coordination. Support services are individualized based on student needs. Support might include referral for co-located mental health services or outside community resources to address the concerns of students experiencing significant mental health challenges. 

Student Services Staff are "First Responders” in the building and responsible for providing services listed below

Co-Located Mental Health Services 

What Are Co-Located Mental Health Outpatient Services?

"Co-located mental health services" refers to services that are located in schools, although not necessarily fully integrated with school operations. This initiative allows us to provide mental health services during the school day, in school buildings. Through co-located mental health services, CHCCS works to reach students and families who face multiple barriers accessing and/or navigating these services.

In June of 2017 and 2018, CHCCS requested proposals from highly qualified, licensed agencies and providers to provide the following mental and behavioral health services:

Co-Located Mental Health Services offer confidential services provided by licensed clinicians from the following highly qualified mental health agencies through an annual Memorandum of Agreement (MOU) with CHCCS:

  Carolina Outreach, LLC  * Renaissance Wellness, LLC  

  United States Committee on Refugees and Immigrants 

 Visit the 2019-2021 Co-located Mental Health Services Providers link to find details about providers, assigned schools and locations.

Who pays for Co-Located Mental Health Services? 

When students access Co-Located Mental Health Services, the provider or agency directly bills the family’s insurance or Medicaid if applicable; arrangements may be made directly with the agency. Providers allot one pro bono slot for every 10 students served, and the district providers oversight to ensure that pro bono slots are reserved for students who face barriers to accessing mental health services.

How can I make a referral?

School Social Workers are on hand to help families navigate the referral process. Please reach out to your School Social Worker to discuss Co-Located Mental Health Services and determine if this is a good fit for your family. 

Mental Health Resources 

If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide or experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis, 988 provides 24/7 connection to confidential support. There is Hope. Just call or text 988 or chat #988Lifeline 

Student Crisis Information document preview

Resources for students struggling with depression or anxiety, worried about dating abuse or domestic violence, managing homelessness or a runaway situation, or seeking LGBTQ support.

Who can provide support when you have a concern about yourself or someone else.pdf

Student Fast Fact on Sexual Harassments/ Assault

Information and referral services to raise awareness and help students navigate reporting and seek help for sexual harassment and assault.

Rocks stacked on one another with blue background

A positive escape using anxiety reduction and relaxation techniques to provide healthy outlets for stressful times. 

Mental health resources_ (1).pdf

Mental health and safety resources for the CHCCS community, including crisis support, substance abuse services, and support for students from historically marginalized groups. 

Whiteboard in a classroom that says DeStress Monday at School

The DeStress Monday at School Program is designed to support teachers and educators by offering simple ways to introduce stress management techniques into their routine, starting every Monday.  

System of Care : Crisis Information/Resources UPDATED 12/15/21- English, Spanish

System of Care

Mental health, public health, and crisis contact information for students and families.

"Two people holding hands and the words let others know that there is hope and understanding. You can change the way the world sees mental health. stigma free."

The StigmaFree campaign is NAMI’s effort to end stigma and create hope for those affected by mental illness. 

Two chat bubbles that say teen 2 teen

 A teen blog on mental health. 

Fact Sheets: What is Stress?

Learn More