
Reading for Fun in English


活動日期:111 年 8 月 4活動地點:科任教室

參與對象:1-5年級學童 參與人次:21人


延伸學習農曆新年的由來,透過製作B4小書,最後用觸碰式螢幕邊講故事邊畫下關鍵字,這樣不管是有學過英文、沒學英文的學生都能比較輕鬆掌握故事情節。混齡學習、學習多元,結合臺灣特色--美食,讓學生們 DIY 包飯糰,大的孩子先包,做好了幫助同組的人完成。每個孩子互相幫忙不分你我一起完成了包飯糰活動。孩子們都說這飯糰是吃過最好吃的飯糰了!我們吃的不止是飯糰,我們吃的是我們這兩天英文閱讀共同努力的回憶、一起學習的快樂、一起開心跳舞、歡樂的氛圍,所以,那當然是世界上最好吃的飯糰了!

Children made chapbooks to show their understanding of Lunar New Year. The course was combined with Taiwanese characteristics, the delicious food. So, the children made some rice balls by themselves. They helped each other complete the rice ball activity. "It's the best rice ball I've ever eaten!" said some children. The memories and the joy of studying together, dancing happily together, and the joyful atmosphere made these rice balls the best in the world!
