Word of the Week

Word of the Week!

         Word of the Week (WoWs) Directions:

* You are required to maintain a Word of the Week list in the folder provided from the beginning until the end of the year.  1 point will be given for the  definition of the word and 1 point will be awarded for using the word in a  Social Studies sentence.

* For your definition: include the date in the space provided,  identify the word as either a noun, verb, adjective, etc. in the parentheses, and copy the definition word for word.

* Below the definition, USE THE WORD in a Social Studies sentence or in the unique sentence format.  The unique format provides for an interesting way to remember the word.  U.S. History is acceptable when developing a Social Studies sentence. 

* The Word of the Week lists placed in the folder provided will be collected and checked for a grade once a quarter. Leave your folders in the organizer in the front of the room.

* WoWs may be fixed each quarter.  Simply highlight what you "fixed" from the previous quarter.  These points will then be included in your total score.

* We will have a mid-year and an end of the year Word of the Week quiz.  

        Quarter 1 Grade ______  + Quarter 2 Grade ______  + Quarter 3 Grade ______  +     

       Quarter 4 _______

1st Quarter


1) Circumnavigate (verb): to sail or fly around; make the circuit of by navigation.

Below the definition in the space provided, use the word circumnavigate in a Social Studies sentence,  and or, the unique sentence format: a Ferdinand Ma - gellin (linked) sentence. 


2) Contiguous: (adjective): being in contact : touching along a boundary or at a point.

( In writing below the definition, use the word contiguous or noncontiguous (linked) in a Social Studies and or an "snooty" store clerk sentence) 


3) Bias - (noun/verb) prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair.

(In writing below the definition, use the word bias, biased, or unbiased in a Social Studies and a or Muhammad Ali trash talk sentence.) 


4) Yield - (noun/verb) the amount or quantity produced or returned (a natural, agricultural, or industrial product).

(In writing below the definition, use the word yield in a Social Studies sentence.  Or, complete the following sentence. The farmers in Napoleon Dynamite increased yield by ...)


5) Surplus - (noun/adjective) an amount of something left over when requirements have been met; an excess of production or supply over demand. 

(In writing below the definition, use the word surplus in a Social Studies, and or,  an aggressive salesperson sentence.


6) Inundate - (verb) to flood.

(In writing below the definition, use the word inundate, inundated, or inundation (noun) in a Social Studies and or a dolphin sentence.)


7)  Scarcity - (noun) the state of being scarce or in short supply; shortage.

(In writing below the definition, use the word scarcity or scarce in a Social Studies and or a boring economics teacher sentence.)


8) Ingenuity linked (noun): the quality of being cleverly inventive or resourceful; inventiveness.

(In writing below the definition, use the word ingenuity or ingenious in a Social Studies and or a Boston accent sentence )

LAST WORD OF THE QUARTER! Make sure you have each definition word for word and a sentence: Social Studies and or in the USF.

2nd Quarter


9) Infrastructure - (noun) system of public works serving a country, city, or area, as in transportation and communication systems: power plants, roads, bridges, schools etc...

(In writing below the definition, use the word infrastructure in a Social Studies and or a Get err done or got err done sentence.) 

12/1 (write small)

10) Pastoralism: (noun) a nomadic agricultural lifestyle based on herding animals (horses, cattle, goats, sheep etc...); tended to produce independent people capable of challenging sedentary agricultural societies.

(In writing below the definition, use the word pastoral (adjective), pastoralist(s), or pastoralism in a Social Studies (linked) and or a goat/sheep sentence.)


11) Maritime: (adjective) connected with or related to the sea.  Especially in relation to seafaring commercial or military activity.

(In writing below the definition, use the word maritime in a Social Studies and or a pirate sentence.)


12) Innovation: (noun) the act of innovating; the introduction of new things or methods.

(In writing below the definition; use the word innovation, innovating, etc... in a social studies and or a Simpsons scientist guy sentence)


13) Self-sufficient: (adjective) able to supply one's own or its own needs without external assistance.

(In writing below the definition, use the word self-sufficient in a Social Studies and or a Tommy linked want wingy sentence linked.)


14)  Xenophobia: (noun) fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign.

(In writing below the definition, use the xenophobia, xenophobic, or xenophobe in a Social Studies or a Debbie Downer sentence.)


15)  Tyranny: (noun) cruel and oppressive government or rule (often involving one leader).

(In writing below the definition, use the word tyranny, tyrannical,  or tyrant in a Social Studies or a Darth Vader sentence.)

3rd Quarter


16) Political Spectrum (copy highlighted only) - we will complete the handout together by copying the linked document and using the linked presentation.  The paper form will be given out in class, graded (20 points), and put back into your WoW folders.


17) Status quo: (noun) the current situation: the way things are now. 

(In writing below the definition; use the "word" status quo in a Social Studies and or a Jaspar sentence.)


18) Sect (noun):  A religious group, especially one that has separated from a larger group - often regarded as extreme.

(In writing below the definition, use the word sect or sectarian (adjective) in a Social Studies and or a Michael Jackson gang fight scene sentence.)


19) Hegemony: (noun) influence or authority over others: domination.

(In writing below the definition, use the word hegemony or hegemon in Social Studies and or a Dr. Evil   sentence.)  


20) Patriarchal: (adjective) of or pertaining to a patriarch, the male head of the family, tribe, community, church, or order.

(In writing below the definition, use the word patriarchal, patriarchy, or patriarch in Social Studies and or, in a fan, Luke, I am your father sentence.


21) Continuity: (noun) uninterrupted duration or continuation especially without essential change.

(In writing below the definition, use the word continuity or continuities in a Social Studies or a Bueller, Bueller, Bueller sentence.)


 22) Asceticism: (noun)  the doctrine that a person can attain a high spiritual and moral state by practicing self-denial and self-mortification (linked).

( In writing below the definition, use the word asceticism or ascetic (a person who...) in a Social Studies or a Master Yoda sentence.)


23) Indigenous: (adjective) originating or occurring naturally in a particular place: native.

( In writing below the definition, use the word indigenous in a Social Studies and or a mentos commercial sentence).

End of the 3rd quarter!  All WoWs from the previous 2 quarters may be fixed for full credit.  Just simply highlight what you have fixed.

4th Quarter


24) Consensus (noun) - general agreement or the judgment arrived at by most of those concerned. 

(In writing below the definition, use the word consensus in a Social Studies and or a Jedi mind trick sentence).


25) Viable (adjective) -  capable of existence and development - able to succeed.

(In writing below the definition, use the word viable, viability, unviable in a Social Studies sentence)

* Use the word viable, viability, unviable in your Enduring Issue essay for a Word of the Week bonus point and stars.







