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Important Material for Project development

Message from Mrugendra Sir

Dear All,

In SGP most of the project has a login and registration module for authentication, but the session based system has some issues. To solve such issues we can use JWT (Json Web Token). JSON Web Tokens are an open, industry standard method for representing claims securely between two parties.

Here I attached two Handbooks which guide students on how to use JWT and implement CIAM (Customer Identity & Access Management) concepts in projects.

Hope this will help them to understand the concept of Authentication and authorization.

for detail understanding of JWT(RFC7519) visit Enscript Output (



Message from Mrugendra Sir,

Dear All,,

In SGP, project may have module like add to cart module, which also require payment module. So for the testing PayU Money and Razorpay provide test card for the payment transaction freely. This will be useful for students to understand the lifecycle of online payment gateway.

Kindly share following links in your SGP lab.
