Student Highlights


How did you get into photography?

"A thing that just started as a hobby quickly became my escape, something I did to keep my mind occupied. It gave me a chance to escape my own personal problems. The loss of a very close family member has both been a struggle and a way to keep myself motivated during my journey."

What is photography to you?

"Photography to me is my way of art. Art is a very complex word and many people see art differently. Art is a way that I can express myself and make others shine in the process. Photography has played such a huge role into me becoming a happier person. As corny as that sounds, it's true. I now have something to look forward to."

What do you enjoy about being the school photographer?

"What I really love about being the school photographer is when I have my camera out, people come up and want me to take a picture of their group. The genuine excitement is what makes it all fun and worth it. Another huge part of why I enjoy being the school photographer is just practicing my skills and having to adapt to my environment and the many different scenarios the school provides, especially with lightning."

What advice would you give to someone that wants to get into photography?

"I have only been self-taught throughout my journey so far and for those who are also thinking of becoming photographers, my advice to you is that you need the drive to continuously keep learning to improve your work. There is nothing wrong with looking up videos to understand the tools you’re working with, watching countless people take photos to figure out what every setting does, taking notes, and even taking criticism from people and implementing that into your work. This does not mean try to be like others, always have your own style, your own way of taking pictures. Persevere and have confidence in yourself."

Do you think you'll continue photography beyond school?

"Yes, I would love to make a career out of photography. Doing what I love doing gives me the most confidence. One day I’ll have the most experience anyone can have and become a veteran in photography. I wanna own and provide some sort of classes or courses that would help young photographers find their true potential through photography."

Do you have a business? 

"I have a business. It's not the thing I am focused on currently but it's there. I do bookings, so if anyone needs photographs for fair prices you can contact me through my Instagram @john_rac_. I do everything and can provide details if interested in booking."