Members SY 2022-23



This is my 5th year working at HUM II as an ENL teacher and my 1st year as one of the student newspaper advisors! Outside of Hum II, you can probably find me climbing walls, hiking, or working on a crossword puzzle. I'm also eager to practice my Spanish speaking skills and always willing to (try to) have a conversation in Spanish. Come visit me in room 213! 

I have always loved supporting students with their writing skills, and think that a student newspaper is a fun way for students to take ownership over building their journalism skills while creating a more inclusive community at HUM II. 


I was born and raised in Queens, NY. I love to travel, take photos, and learn about different cultures and traditions. I moved to Costa Rica for 3 years where I taught English to adults and high school students. I'm very grateful for the experiences and opportunities that brought me to where I am today, teaching Spanish at HUM II! 

I want to give our scholars an opportunity to improve communication within our school in a creative and safe space.



I am currently a senior who loves to sleep and watch documentaries that can build my knowledge on more topics. 

I joined Knightly News with the purpose of contributing and sharing my ideas. 


I am a Senior in Humanities II. I participate in the lifting of heavy weights and metal plates. 

I decided to spend my final year and take my expertise in graphic design to Knightly News because I want to ensure the success of our organization during its first year. As well as providing our community of scholars with feasible content/media, and setting realistic standards for our school's newspaper.


I'm a Mexican American 17-year-old senior at HUM ll, who loves to interact with others. I didn't always like talking to people but by forcing myself into uncomfortable situations, I became the 11th-grade rep in SAB and am now a public relations officer. I joined PGC and enjoy creating lesson plans to teach to sophomores. I can walk into a room and greet someone or even make someone feel more comfortable if they're alone. When I'm home, I like to read a book or care for my plants, I think my plants feed off my energy which is why I try to be happy when I'm alone, A good vibe means a green plant. I try studying as much as I can when I'm home because although some subjects are easy for students, I have to work twice as hard to keep up, and I do most of the time but it can be stressful. I'm a nice, loving person who will accept anyone no matter what, I like to be unproblematic and at peace, there's too much chaos in the world for me to fuel it anymore. 

I joined the Knightly News to keep up on events around the school. I also have many friends who are a part of sports teams but nobody ever mentions their accomplishments so I'd like to highlight them. I believe involving yourself with teachers and students makes your high school experience even more vivid.  



Hello I'm Nashla, but you can call me Nash. I'm a senior and I like doing graphic design, play video games (Genshin Impact and Overwatch) I also like kpop and reading. I'm not very outgoing but I'm always willing to help! 

I joined the Knightly News because I always wanted to be involved in school newspaper since I watched all those movies about schools and since I do graphic design I can use my skills in something more productive. 


I am someone with great interest in making impact in the world, without being recognized. The reason why I don't want to be recognize because of just doing what I like to help the world a better place to live, and like not to be recognize. 

I joined Knightly News because of interest in making a news paper.


I am 17 years old. I am currently a senior. I would say that I am always interested in books. When it comes to the future I have an interest in becoming a lawyer who specializes in international relations and politics. 

I joined the Knightly News because I wanted to have a way where I can express myself in something that I am interested in.


I am Yessi, a senior in high school that is trying her best to be herself. I love laughing, and butterflies are my favorite. My laugh can be heard from miles away, and I try my hardest to stay on top of my assignments. Its kinda hard haha! 

I joined the school newspaper to share my ideas and have them published! 


I'm a 17 year old senior in high school. I really love sleeping, playing games, and reading in my free time. It may seem pretty boring to others but It's what makes me happy. If you need any book recommendations let me know *wink*  A game that I'm currently obsessed with is Genshin Impact, It's a game that has lore and pretty hot characters. (Like Kaeya)  Aiya! and of course I can't leave out how much I adore DC.  My favorite character being Nightwing for pretty obvious reasons. 

I joined Knightly News to make new memories with teachers and peers. In addition, spill the tea and help other students engage. 


Hi I'm Winnie. I'm 18 years old and I'm the oldest of 2 brothers. I like to play sports and watch sports. My favorite sports team are The Mets. My favorite player is Francisco Lindor. I also like to help out my family. What I like most is that I know my family can count on me for anything. I also enjoy helping my dance teacher with shows and the step team. It helps her know that someone who has experience is by her side. One of my favorite things to do is hang out with the Youth group from church. We hang out alot not just in church, we get closer to God and each other. 

I joined knightly News because I think it's important that us students are informed about the things going on in our school. Such as Sports teams, clubs and trips that we go on. Personally, I feel that this is a good way to remember my senior year. I felt like I was robbed of my high school experience because of unfortunate reasons. But other than that learning more about teachers and the experience of other students. I get to be more involved in my school community and that's important to me. 


I’m Dominican, my birthday is in November 24th. I speak Spanish and English. I love my country and my culture and I like people to notice that. I dance Merengue and Bachata pretty well, and I consider myself as a very friendly and smart person. 

I joined Knightly News to get more knowledge of writing. Also, to make people who speak Spanish get more interested in the newspaper and to discover more things about the HUM II community. 


I am a normal boy called Yohan and I was born and raised in the Dominican Republic at the age of 15 I move to the US so I only got 3 years living in this country, beside of that I am guy which like to meet new people so I can start a conversation really quickly. I speak Spanish as my native language and English as a second language. 

Because I want to live new experiences and I would like to be a journalist for a day.


Hi! My name is Ja’nasia Perrin! I’m a 9th grader who loves sleeping, the color pink and most things in the art field. I’m mostly known for being apart of the South Bronx Steppers however I also enjoy writing for the news paper.

I chose to join the Knightly News because I felt like my skills would be a great contribution to such a creative team and, because I love the idea of student voice. I feel like with the newspaper all of the students are allowed to have an input and our input is then shared with the community which is such an amazing opportunity to have.


Hello my name is Diarra Seck and I'm 15 years old. I have interest in the arts and literature. I like reading books and I think of writing as a way to express feelings and actions. I love books that make me feel like I'm in the book itself. I like genres like thriller and mystery. I'm also interested in stuff like mythology. I'm mostly into Greek and Norse mythology. 

I joined Knightly News to gain more experience in journalism.