What is a Parent Council you may be asking? A Parent Council is a group of interested parents or carers who have children at a specific school. All parents at a school are automatically members of the Parent Form. The Parent Council is there to voice the views of the wider parents, to pass on information that is relevant to parents and to support the school in a variety of ways such as by providing feedback, ideas, skill sharing, organising events and fundraising. Parent Councils’ key focuses are Communication, Support and Fundraising.

Tomncross Parent Council officially meets once a term, meaning four times per academic year. There are four committee members: Chair, Vice Chair; Treasurer and Secretary. The Head Teacher attends each meeting and we occasional have invited guests. We are always pleased to see new faces at the meetings and any parent or carer can attend any meeting – you do not have to be an official member of the Parent Council to do so. The meetings are normally held in the school building.

We are involved in fundraising and normally run events such as discos and organise brilliant school fairs which are a highlight of the winter and summer terms for the school community. They are always looking for new faces so please get in touch if you would like to get involved in the future.

The easiest way to contact the Council is by email to tomnacross.primary@highlandpc.co.uk