SC Seal of Biliteracy

The South Carolina Seal of Biliteracy advances the state's commitment to preparing every learner for college- and career-readiness in an increasingly international community by recognizing learners who attain levels of proficiency in English and at least one other world language required in the global workforce.

Juniors and seniors who demonstrate a proficiency level of at least Intermediate Mid in all four language modes (Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking) in another language as well as English proficiency will earn the Seal of Biliteracy.  English proficiency will be demonstrated by either a 3.0 average in high school ELA courses OR minimum of an overall composite score of (4.0) on the ACCESS 2.0 English Proficiency Test.

All students will be assessed using the STAMP test at the end of each World Language course and we will determine eligibility with these scores.

Students not currently in a WL class that would like to test need to contact a WL teacher, Guidance Counselor or Stacy Attafi to register to be tested.

Students who score a minimum of Intermediate Mid in all 4 language modes will earn a BRONZE Seal and pin.

Students who score a minimum of Intermediate High in all 4 language modes will earn a SILVER Seal and pin.

Students who score a minimum of Advanced Low in all 4 language modes will earn a Gold Seal and pin.