A-G Ceremony

Friday June 18, 2021

6 pm

Row assignments will be posted here a few days before graduation. Please find your assignment before reporting to the ceremony.

Below you will find the row assignments based on the last names of the first and last students in the row.

Row 1: Abb-Amm

Row 2: And-Bak

Row 3: Bal-Bee

Row 4: Bei-Bla

Row 5: Blu-Boy

Row 6: Boy-Bro

Row 7: Bro-Bur

Row 8: Bur-Can

Row 9: Can-Cla

Row 10: Cla-Con

Row 11: Con-Cra

Row 12: Cra-Dav

Row 13: Dav-Dou

Row 14: Dou-Ede

Row 15: Edw-Far

Row 16: Fau-Fra

Row 17: Fra-Gar

Row 18: Gar-Gol

Row 19: Gol-Gre

Row 20: Gre-

*Please note the row leader is the first chair in the row and will be located on the sideline near the away bleachers. Graduate chairs will be social distanced on the field.