Unit 2

Economic Expansion

Overarching Inquiry Question:

How does economic expansion impact the lives of everyday people?

Unit Overview:

In this unit, the students will be able to define and describe imperialism and economic expansion in the United States as it relates to the Industrial Revolution, Spanish American War, and the experiences of different groups that have shaped American cultural identities. The students will use inquiry through the use of primary and secondary sources to evaluate and support these changes to the United States. Students will be actively engaged in hands-on learning through analysis of pictures, inquiry-based learning, opinion writings, political cartoon analysis, real world application games, and diary writing.

Unit Theme:

Economic Advancements

Standards & Skills

Periodization: Summarize how the United States’ involvement in the Spanish American War led to increased U.S. economic expansion and imperialism.

Context: Contextualize how the Second Industrial Revolution led to an increased desire for raw materials and United States’ involvement in imperialistic efforts and economic expansion.

Continuity and Change: Summarize how imperialism and economic expansion impacted the experiences of different groups and shaped American cultural identities.

Evidence: Analyze multiple perspectives of the economic, political, and social effects of Western Expansion, the Industrial Revolution, and immigration through primary and secondary sources, and evaluate the subsequent changes to the U.S.

  • It is important that the teacher incorporate the historical thinking skill vocabulary in their classroom on a daily basis. Modeling is essential for student understanding of these skills.

Standard 1: Demonstrate an understanding of the economic, political, and social effects of expansion and industrialization on the United States and South Carolina between 1860–1910.

Instructional Guidance:




Contextualize: Place events in the proper context, allowing students to understand the historical period.

Summarize: Structure historical periods to group information and to establish key events as turning points and beginning/ending points.

Evidence: Identify, source, and utilize different forms of evidence, including primary and secondary sources, used in an inquiry-based study of history.

I Can Statements

  • I can contextualize how the Second Industrial Revolution led to an increased desire for raw materials and United States’ involvement in imperialistic efforts and economic expansion.

  • I can summarize how imperialism and economic expansion impacted the experiences of different groups and shaped American cultural identities.

  • I can analyze multiple perspectives of the economic, political, and social effects of Western Expansion, the Industrial Revolution, and immigration through primary and secondary sources, and evaluate the subsequent changes to the U.S.

Teacher Materials

5th Grade - Unit 2 - Teacher

Student Materials

Activity Materials

DBQ Options

Link to all DBQs digitized | What is a DBQ? | How to DBQ

  • What caused WW1?

  • What caused the Great Depression?

Picture Books:

  • The Bobbin Girl by Emily Arnold McCully

  • Horrible Jobs of the Industrial Revolution by Leon Gray

  • The Buffalo Soldier by Sherry Garland

  • The Industrial Revolution: From Muscles to Machines by Carole Marsh

  • Legacies of the Industrial Revolution: Steam Engine and Transportation - History Book for Kids Children's History by Baby Professor

  • Kids During the Industrial Revolution by Lisa A. Wroble

Chapter Books:

  • Kids at Work: Lewis Hine and the Crusade Against Child Labor by Russell Freedman

  • The Child Labor Reform Movement: An Interactive History Adventure by Steven Otinoski

  • The Muckrakers: American Journalism During the Age of Reform by Aileen Gallagher

  • Counting on Grace by Elizabeth Winthrop