School News

Breaking News!

Reception - Bee Workshop

Alison ( A bee keeper) came in to school to talk to the Reception children all about the tiny miracles that are bees.  She showed us the special coat she wears and she brought in a variety of bees for us to look at.  We learnt about their anatomy, their life cylce and how they build their hives. We got to dress up as bee keepers in the smock, hood and smoker.

  We now know that bees are nothing to bee afraid of!

Our First Harvest

The KS1 lunchtime gardening group helped to cut our first wheat field and gather the wheat to make sheaths.  We are letting them dry out before separate the wheat from the chaff and have a go at milling the wheat to make our own flour.  Watch this space!!!

Nursery - Potato Harvest

 Nursery harvested our first batch of potatoes and gave them to the kitchen, ready to be cooked for lunch that day.  They were delicious! Nursery really enjoyed their roast dinner.

Our next batch of potatoes and sweet potatoes are almost ready!

Year 6 and Year 5  - Trip to Sutton Park 

Years 5 and 6 have enjoyed walking to Sutton Park to observe the natural environment and the local wildlife.  We enjoyed watching the cows and rabbits on the fields and the range of birds on Longmoor Pond.

A moorhen admiring its reflection

Baby rabbit (a kit) enjoying the sun.