
Challenges in Machine Learning:

Machine Learning Challenges as a Research Tool

Saturday December 9, 2017, ROOM S1

NIPS 2017 workshops. Long Beach Convention Center

[Home][Invited Speakers][Committee][Organizers]

This workshop will give a large part to discussion and poster viewing. Free lunch will be served to participants during the large lunch break to encourage exchanges. The invited speakers and organizers will be invited for dinner.

The papers are appended to the bottom of the page.

Schedule [see also NIPS program schedule]:

Morning session (8:00am-12:00pm): New platforms and innovative designs ==> 6 talks

8:00 am (10 min) - Morning welcome and introduction (Evelyne Viegas and/or Isabelle Guyon) (slides)

8:10 (30 min) - Invited talk 1: Balázs Kégl, RAMP platform (slides)

8:40 (30 min) - Contributed talk 1: Varvara Logacheva (speaker) and Mikhail Burtsev, Automatic evaluation of chatbots (slides)

9:10 (30 min) - Contributed talk 2: David Rousseau, TrackML (slides)

9:40 (30 min) - Contributed talk 3: Drew Farris, Data science bowl (slides)

10:10 (30 min) - Invited talk 4: Mohanty Sharada, CrowdAI (slides)

10:40 - 11:00 (20 min) Break, poster viewing

11:00 (30 min) - Invited talk 2: Ben Hamner, Kaggle platform

11:30 - 12:20 (50 min) Moderated discussion (Jacob Abernethy): Incentivizing productivity in data science. Do's and don't in challenge design, sharing your experience.

Lunch break (12:20 pm-1:30pm)

Discussions and poster viewing.

Afternoon session (1:30pm-6:30pm): Exciting results and upcoming challenges ==> 7 talks

1:30 - Afternoon welcome and announcements (Evelyne Viegas and/or Isabelle Guyon)

1:40 (30 min) - Invited talk 3: Katja Hofmann, project Malmo, Minecraft (slides)

2:10 (30 min) - Contributed talk 5: Laura Seaman, Project Alloy (slides)

2:40 (30 min) - Contributed talk 6: Jonathan C. Stroud, Education and public service (slides)

3:10 - 3:30 (20 min) Break, poster viewing

3:30 (30 min) - Invited talk 4: Olivier Bousquet, AutoDL (Google challenge) (slides)

4:00 (30 min) - Contributed talk 7: Rafael Frongillo and Bo Waggoner, Scoring rule markets (slides)

4:30 (30 min) - Contributed talk 8: Akshay Balsubramani, ENCODE-DREAM challenge (slides)

5:00 (30 min) - Invited talk 5: Xavier Baro, Evelyne Viegas, Sergio Escalera, Isabelle Guyon. Codalab platform (slides)(poster)

5:30 (50 min) - Moderated discussion (Sergio Escalera): New opportunities for challenges, looking to the future.

6:20 - Wrap up. (Evelyne Viegas and/or Isabelle Guyon)

6:30 - Adjourn.

List of posters:

Establishing Uniform Image Segmentation (poster) (abstract), Maximillian Chen et al.

From data to decisions (poster) (abstract), David J. Stracuzzi et al.

Applying deterministic protocols (poster) (abstract), Manuel Huber et al.

Operating Charateristics (abstract), Anthony Gamst et al.

CODALAB (poster) Escalera et al.

Posters dimensions are 36 x 48 in. (91cm x 122cm)

Dinner ON DEC 8 (the day before) at 8 pm:

The speakers and organizers will be invited for dinner Friday night (8 dec) at a [greek] restaurant: