
Larry Zitnik

Challenges in Machine Learning:

Gaming and Education

NIPS 2016 workshop

Friday December 9, 2016, Barcelona, Spain

ROOM 129 + 130

Centre Convencions Internacional Barcelona

[Home][Invited Speakers][Committee][Organizers]

See conference schedule

The posters dimensions are 36 x 48 in. (91cm x 122cm).

Morning session (8:00 am-12:00 pm)

8:00 : Welcome and introduction. Evelyne Viegas

8:30 : Invited talk. Larry Zitnick (MSCOCO) Gathering common sense knowledge: how to game it? 40 Min

9:10 : Jonathan Stroud, Alex Chojnacki, Jacob Abernethy (U. Michigan) The Michigan Data Science Team: A Student Organization for Machine Learning Challenges 20 Min

9:30 : Jesus Fernandez-Bes (U. Zaragoza) Jerónimo Arenas-García and Jesús Cid-Sueiro (U. Carlos III de Madrid) Energy generation prediction: Lessons learned from the use of Kaggle in Machine Learning Course 20 Min

9:50 : Invited talk. Emma Brunskill (CMU) Learning to improve learning: ML in the classroom 40 Min

10:30 - Break

11:00 : Discussion: Challenges in education, Balazs Kegl and Ben Hamner moderators

12:00 - 14:00: Lunch, posters and discussions

Afternoon session (14:00 pm -18:30 pm)

14:00 : Invited talk. Joaquin Vanschoren (TU Eindhoven) OpenML in research and education 40 Min

14:40 : Duc-Tien Dang-Nguyen (Dublin City U.), Luca Piras (U. Cagliari), Michael Riegler (Simula Research Lab.), Cathal Gurrin (Dublin City U.), Giulia Boato (U. Trento), Pål Halvorsen (Simula Research Lab.) ImageCLEF 2017 LifeLog task 20 Min (presented by Henning Mueller)

15:00 - Break

15:30 : Invited talk. Henning Muller (HES-SO) Evaluation-as-a-Service: a serious game 40 Min

16:10 : Invited talk. Sebastien Marcel (IDIAP) Reproducible Research: moving to the BEAT 40 Min

16:50 : Predrag Radivojac (Indiana U.), Casey S. Greene (U. Pennsylvania), Sean D. Mooney (U. Washington), and Iddo Friedberg (Iowa State U.) CAFA: a Challenge Dedicated to Understanding the Function of Biological Macromolecules Min

17:10 : Andreas Holzinger, Markus Plass, Michael D. Kickmeier-Rust (Medical U. Graz and Graz U. Tech.) Interactive Machine Learning (iML): a challenge for Game-based approaches 20 Min

17:30 : Discussion: Gaming challenges and encouraging collaborations. Sergio Escalera and Isabelle Guyon moderators

18:30 - Adjourn

List of posters:

Rewards and errors in multi-arm bandits for interactive education. Anonymous authors.

The Potentials of Recommender Systems Challenges for Student Learning. Frank Hopfgartner et al.

DREAM Challenges: A Global Crowdsourcing Platform for Biomedical Challenges and Education. Justin Guinney and Gustavo Stolovitzky

Tracking Machine Learning Challenge. David Rousseau et al.

Everware - towards challenge-driven education through reproducibility. Andrey Ustyuzhanin, Tim Head, Igor Babuschkin

Data Science Game. Benjamin Donnot, Antoine Miech, Thilbault Laugel, Antoine Ly

Coopetitions in machine learning: case studies. Xavier Baró et al. [pdf poster]


Friday December 9 at 8pm at restaurant Sabor Mudejar
