
Mrs. Meikle, Speech & Language Therapist

Chapter 5 Troubles with a Penguin

Ben Langer, Mrs. Langer's son

Chapter 10 Shadows

Mrs. Gallik, STEM

Chapter 11 Greta

Dr. Hunt, Superintendent

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Mr. Dugach, Mrs. Dugach's husband

Chapter 14 Mr. Greenbaum

Mrs. Coy, Educational Assistant

Chapter 15 Popper's Performing Penguins

Mr. Howell, Assistant Principal

Chapter 16 On the Road

Wesley Kaas, Mrs. Kaas's son

Chapters 17 & 18

Mr. Croglio, Mrs. Croglio's husband

Chapter 19 Admiral Drake

Allie Dugach, Mrs. Dugach's daughter

Chapter 20 Farewell, Mr. Popper