Positive Parenting Portal

Welcome to Cypress-Fairbanks ISD's Positive Parenting Portal. In each of the sections below, you will find video resources to help address some of the many challenges that come with being a parent of children at all ages.

This site is regularly updated. We will add new resources as we find them or as special topics are requested. If you have any suggestions or topics that you would like to see added, please feel free to contact Sheila McMullin (Mental Health Intervention Team Counselor) at Sheila.McMullin@cfisd.net.

How to support your child's physical needs. Topics include maintaining personal hygiene, good sleep habits, exercise, and a nutritious diet.

Videos and resources addressing ways to encourage positive behaviors and how to respond to unwanted behaviors.

Helping parents address a wide range of emotional needs.

Ways to support academic success for your children, whether they're attending school virtually or face-to-face.

Helping parents keep their children safe.

Ways for children to stay safe in an increasingly connected learning environment.

How to encourage strong social connections with family, friends, and peers.

Because being a parent is hard and sometimes you and your kids just need to have fun.