Social Emotional Learning

What is Social Emotional Learning ?

Social emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which boys and girls and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary for being a healthy adult. This includes problem-solving skills and intergender communication and understanding, as well as teaching kids to embrace diversity and build healthy relationships that will last well into adulthood.

Kelso's Choices

Kelso's Choices is a conflict management program used in PreK-2nd grade to teach the students how to solve problems, whether it be a BIG problem or a small problem.

Core Essentials

Core Essentials is a character development program that is introduced monthly to all students at Rennell. Each word presented help student develop values to shape students to be the best they can be.

Sanford Harmony

Sanford Harmony is a social-emotional teaching program that cultivates strong classroom relationships between all students.

This year's Core Essentials Values