

Kindergarten reading begins with name recognition, letter recognition and environmental print. We spend the first semester focusing on letter identification, sound symbol relationship and high frequency words.

During the second semester, we begin to focus on reading strategies, decoding and blending of sounds. While all students will learn to read at varying speeds, they are encouraged to do their own book shopping at the appropriate "just right" level.

Reading Strategies


Writing begins simply with learning to write your own name. Kids are expected to know how to write their name correctly (with a capital only at the beginning) by the end of the first nine weeks. We quickly move on to drawing pictures to tell a story and then labeling our pictures through the use of phonetic spelling. After that, we begin creating simple sentences and then stories with a beginning, middle and end. Click the links below to see correct stroke descriptions for upper and lower case letters.


Math begins with simple counting to 20, identifying numbers and creating sets. By the end of the year, students will be expected to count to 100, identify numerals up to 20 and add and subtract with manipulatives. Click the link to view the Kindergarten scope and sequence.