Grading and Redo Policy

Grading Responsibilities:

Teacher: Update grades weekly.

Parents: Check grades regularly online to avoid “surprises”. Check red folder for graded assignments. If a question arises about a grade, look for comments or emails first and then email/call teacher regarding question.

Students: Turn in all assignments on time. Bring home all graded assignments.

Gradebook (Home Access Center) Information: When checking your child's grades online, you may see a blank space at times. That means I have set the assignment up in my gradebook but have not entered the grades (or I'm still in the process of grading the assignment).

Redo Policy: District policy permits a student a reasonable opportunity to redo an assignment or retake a test for which the student received a failing grade.

The following criteria should guide retest/redo practices:

  • A student may have three opportunities each nine weeks to redo assignments/major grades for which the student earned a grade of 69 or below.
  • Because our campus weights grades, the three opportunities will include one major and two daily grades.
  • The highest grade a student can earn on a “retake or redo” will be a 70. A student may not earn a grade lower than the original grade.
  • Prior to retesting/redoing, an intervening action plan should be created (teacher directed). Examples include: re-teaching; tutorials before, during, or after school; study guide taken home; etc.
  • DPMs or Benchmarks are not included in the retest/redo opportunities.
  • As a district standard, grades are weighted to maximize students success and growth. Grades are weighted by the following criteria: daily grades 60% and major grades: 40%.