
The Cuyahoga Falls Amateur Radio Club holds classes to help you get your first license and/or upgrade to higher-level licenses. The club also sponsors Volunteer License Examinations. Also, you will find links and materials for self-study to get your license if you cannot attend classes. The club also believes strongly in continuous learning and sponsors many educational programs at its meeting. It also organizes volunteer mentors to help you get started, make your first contacts, set up a station, install an antenna, program your new HT, install a mobile rig, etc.

Club Classes

The Cuyahoga Falls Amateur Radio Club is offering a six-session General Class License course starting Sunday, Jan 14, 2024. Classes are held online via Google Classroom and Meet from 1:30 to 4:00 PM.

Exam Sessions

Important Notice- 

For all future exams you must obtain an FCC FRN (online) before taking the exam. To obtain an FRN, please click here for instructions.

CFARC Sponsored License Exams

Club Mentoring Program

The Cuyahoga Falls Amateur Radio Club would be happy to match you with a Ham Radio Mentor. Mentors can help newly licensed hams get started. CFARC Mentors can also assist hams of any license class or vintage with specific projects, new modes, antenna installation, advice on equipment, etc. If you are interested in being paired with a Ham Mentor please email Anthony Luscre, K8ZT ( make sure you include "CFARC Mentor" in the email subject line. With members having a very wide background in all aspects of Amateur Radio we are sure we can find a Mentor to help you with any aspect of Amateur Radio.