World Languages Grades 5 & 6
World Languages is designed to guide students toward a better understanding of what language means in the society in which we live. This course will help students gain insight into what it means to study a foreign language. Students will also work on the development of critical thinking skills and begin to learn about foreign cultures. This class is an introduction to French, Spanish, and Latin, covering a trimester of each. The idea behind this course is to excite students and inspire them to want to further their exploration of foreign languages in the future. Our classes meet virtually one time per week, all year long. Homework is not often assigned but when it is it can usually be completed in 10-15 minutes. There will be short projects and assessments each marking period.
5/6 Exploratory World Language Curriculum Information
The Exploratory World Language class is designed so students can:
Begin the study of Latin.
Begin the study of French.
Continue the study of Spanish that began in the lower levels (K-4) .
Classes meet virtually one time per week all year long. The idea is to excite students and to get them to continue their study of a second language.
LATIN Language & Culture oh my!
Grade 6: Salve! The history and culture of Ancient Rome Latin NamesLatin CognatesBasic greetings and conversationNumbers/Roman NumeralsCalendarCommon Latin Roots
Grade 6: Review K-5Review information covered from Kindergarten through grade 5 Reinforce vocabulary, structures, and culture.
FRENCH/FRANÇAIS: Bonjour tout le monde!
Grade 6: Voilà!A continuation of Basic conversational vocabularyReinforce l’Alphabet & les accentsExpand upon Les chiffres/les numéros 0-60French Days of the Week & MonthsCulture