Arts Chai-Lights STEM Gallery 2021

Stop Motion Animation

Imagining Life After the Pandemic

Middle School students completed these stop motion animations in November 2020 during month 8 of the COVID-19 pandemic and during month 3 of full distance learning in the current school year. When students began this project, a return to the life of "The Before Times" was not yet in sight.

Max Olin

Class of 2027

Raizy Moshinsky

Class of 2027

Gabi Frischtak

Class of 2026

Shia Messler

Class of 2027

Mali Osofsky

Class of 2027

Lindsay Shapiro

Class of 2027

Lilah Sacks

Class of 2027

Emunah Simkovich

Class of 2027

Jonah Mitre

Class of 2027