Arts Chai-Lights STEM Gallery 2021

3D Design & Printing

My Workspace in Miniature

Critters 2D to 3D

Dreidel Design

Defying Gravity - The Stick Figure Challenge

My Workspace

3D Digital Models of Distance Learning Spaces with Guided Tours

We began the 2020-21 school year in classrooms that straddled dining rooms, basements, and bedrooms across our Metro region--sometimes further--linking our households, our families, our pets, our environments. No one came to class alone, our home lives and spaces always with us, the new normal background of our everyday classrooms.

All this with black rectangles framing everything, boxing in, boxing out.

In the first real design assignment of the course, students in MS 3D Printing I & II and HS 3D Design & Printing I created 3D digital models of their workspaces to share with each other the physical space and objects that are part of their own personal classrooms as framed through their own, unique perspectives, together reframing our classroom as a whole.

That, and these designers picked up a pile of new or refreshed design skills all on the fly.

Anna Polon

Class of 2027

Omer Kenan

Class of 2026

Ari Solomon

Class of 2026

Eve Kessous

Class of 2027

Jonathan Gordon

Class of 2026

Cat Salz

Class of 2027

Shayna Sann

Class of 2027

Benjamin Kushnir

Class of 2025

Adam Goldel

Class of 2027

Kasuba Chama

Class of 2027

Mia Forseter

Class of 2026

Geoffrey Rosen

Class of 2025