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~Moving Learning Forward in your Schools~

K-8 ALT Day Presentations

INFO: New Curriculum Release Days

All CESD teachers implementing the new curriculum will have sub days available for release time during the 2024-2025 school year:

This time can be used at any point during the school year to provide opportunities for teachers to collaborate on new curriculum roll-out.  For more information about the Social Studies Pilot roll-out, please visit the New Curriculum website

For questions or inquiries about Professional Learning with Learning Services please contact:

 Justin Bronson, Learning Services Coordinator - Literacy -  Email: Direct Ph.  (403) 227-8004

Sandi Berg, Learning Services Coordinator - Numeracy - Email: Direct Ph. (403) 227-7081

Marie-Astrid Detharet, Learning Services Coordinator - French Immersion/Science / PEW -  Email Direct Ph. (403) 227-7038

Michelle Baragar, Educational Technology Coordinator - Email: Direct Ph. (403) 227- 7041