Welcome to WIAD's homepage!

Fostering Excellence, Igniting Minds: The Wisconsin Academic Decathlon empowers students statewide through diverse academic challenges, teamwork, and critical thinking. We inspire lifelong learning, celebrate achievement, and cultivate tomorrow's leaders. 

You can make a difference for WIAD in so many ways. Two of the most impactful ways are through giving and volunteering.  Click the icon that works best for you to show your support.

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Champions are made here...

WIAD provides opportunities for students to excel as individuals yet to progress only as a team, wholly gaining from productive cooperation and collaboration. USAD Founder Dr. Robert Peterson felt that “spunk and stamina are at the heart of every champion, and that there is a champion in the heart of every student.”

This Year's Theme...

Our Changing Climate

WIAD Calendar of Events

Get Involved . . . Join Us!

Why Participate?

We have so many outstanding teams that participate in WIAD and all of them have something special to offer. Find out more about our teams.

Why Support?

Join the growing group of sponsors who are making WIAD possible for students across our state. We couldn't do it without you! Sponsor your local team or the statewide program. Either way, you're making a difference. 

Why Volunteer?

It takes hundreds of volunteers state-wide to make a WIAD season happen!  Whether you're able to proctor testing, judge essays, speeches, and/or interviews, or assist in other ways at Local, Regional, and/or State Competition, we need you!  

Financial Support Through Donation--Thank you!

What's In a Team?

Team Composition

Teams are comprised of nine high school students, three from each of these GPA ranges: 

Honor: 3.8 to 4.0

Scholastic: 3.2 to 3.799

Varsity: 3.199 and below

Wisconsin Teams Registered for the 2024-25 Season