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Report highlights need for support, PD for principals

Evidence shows that school leaders benefit when they work with coaches and mentors, yet only 25% of elementary-school principals -- and just 10% of principals of high-poverty schools -- have had this type of professional support in the past two years, according to a report from the National Association of Elementary School Principals and Learning Policy Institute. "If we want better schools and improved educational outcomes for our students, we must support and invest in high-quality professional learning opportunities for principals."

~NAESP Executive Director L. Earl Franks.

“Coaching done well may be the most effective intervention designed for human performance.”

~Surgeon-Writer Atul Gawande

Empowering Educators; Unleashing Potential

“Everyone we work with knows a lot more and can do a lot more than we think. It's our job as coaches to find out what it is that they know, care about, can do, and are committed to, and then to use that information to help them move their practice.”

― Elena Aguilar, The Art of Coaching: Effective Strategies for School Transformation

Job-Embedded PD Leads to Improved Student Outcomes

"Over the last four years, the Luxemburg-Casco School District has utilized the CESA 7 Learning Services on average 32 days per year to provide professional development, coaching and annual goals. We have utilized the Learning Services Team in a number of different content areas and initiatives from Academic and Career Planning, K-12 English language Arts, K-12 Mathematics, and differentiation for Special Education and EL students which has moved our district forward in a number of different ways. With each initiative the Learning Team would lead a K-12 district level team in decision making processes, professional development, and on site coaching to support the implementation process. The result of the partnership is an increase in proficiency data in both ELA and Math, increased career services for our students and most importantly our staff capacity has increased through the professional development and leadership provided over the last four years. "

"Schools often have a 'culture of talk' around improvement. By working with teachers to identify needs and set compelling goals, instructional coaches can turn that into a 'culture of action'."

~Jim Knight

An Essential Component of Effective PD

"Coaching is an essential component of an effective professional development program. Coaching can build will, skill, knowledge, and capacity because it can go where no other professional development has gone before: into the intellect, behaviors, practices, beliefs, values, and feelings of an educator. Coaching creates a relationship in which a client feels cared for and is therefore able to access and implement new knowledge. A coach can foster conditions in which deep reflection and learning can take place, where a teacher can take risks to change her practice, where powerful conversations can take place and where growth is recognized and celebrated. "

― Elena Aguilar, The Art of Coaching: Effective Strategies for School Transformation