5-8 Program


Edgenuity’s Virtual Classroom is designed for students in grades 5 through 12. Our curriculum is delivered to students wishing to take their coursework online. Each course in Edgenuity has been designed to align with Central Valley’s curriculum and gives students the flexibility to complete their coursework anytime, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

CVOA students may access videos and materials at their own pace and Central Valley teachers monitor and grade the activities on the Edgenuity platform. These teachers are also available for instructional support that may be needed.

These students have the ability to enroll in courses from the four core areas as well as from the elective areas (see course offerings below).


**(Optional) Special Courses offered in Grade 5 and 6 include: Art, Music Appreciation, Library and Physical Education. For these courses students will be responsible for logging hours to meet the state requirements for each subject area.

Student Screen in Edgenuity