3rd Grade

  • Lesson 1, Counselor Introduction: During the months of August and September I visit each child's classroom to introduce myself to new students and review my role as the school counselor. Students learn the process for seeking my assistance when they have a concern to discuss or a problem they need help solving. In grades 2-5 students complete a needs assessment to help me gather data to determine how to best structure to my counseling program for the school year.

  • Lesson 2, Friendship Skills/Bullying Prevention: 3rd grade classes read the story No Zombies Allowed by Matt Novak as a tool to discuss how excluding and ignoring others can be a form of unkind behavior or bullying. We discuss what kind versus unkind behavior can look like and steps that students can take to stand up to peers who are being unkind. Students then create their own signs to promote kindness and spread a positive message at school.

  • Lesson 3, Conflict Resolution/Problem Solving: 3rd grade students learn about different communication styles they can use when resolving conflicts with peers or adults.......
    • {lesson description here}

  • Lesson 4, Multicultural Awareness: During this lesson students talk about what it means to be different and ways that people can be different from one another (i.e. height, beliefs, hair, skin color, personality, etc.). We read the book This is ME by Jamie Lee Curtis and Laura Cornell and discuss why it is a good thing that each person is unique, different and special. Students then decide what things they would pack in their suit case and discuss with the class why they would pack these items.

  • Lesson 5, Managing Emotions: Students discuss how everyone feels sad, angry, worried, and upset at times. When we have these feelings there are certain activities we can do to help us cope with our feelings. Students learn that "coping" with feelings is a fancy way of saying that we deal with our feelings and do things to help us feel better. Students identify situations that might make them feel upset, sad, angry and worried. Students then learn about a variety of coping skills appropriate for their age group and have the opportunity to practice certain coping skills. In 3rd grade students practice specific coping skills they can use in the classroom (such as belly breathing and palm pushes), during a break (like taking a walk or using a fidget) and at home (such as playing outside or talking to a family member). Students then create their very own coping toolkit full of ideas they feel will help them when they feel upset.

  • Lesson 6, Review & Assessment: The last few weeks of the school year are spent with students in grade K-5, reviewing their learning by creating posters as a class to show others concepts they covered through school counseling classroom lessons throughout the school year. Students also engage in age appropriate games and/or interactive assessments to determine how well they have learned concepts taught to them over the past year.