Painting II

1ST Painting (Identity)

This painting fits in the identity theme because every item when it comes to the sun, chain, lock, and infinity sign means something to me. What this painting means is to me is that all the items relate to me in multiple different ways. If I could start over I would change the colors for the infinity sign because it was supped to be green but looks bluer. Something else I would change would be the background and the sun because the yellow background is hard to look at and the orange sun doesn't look good. I love that this painting turned out a little decent, you can see what everything is supped to be without asking any questions.

2ND Painting in Progress!

I added multiple symbols and icons that represent stories in my life and things I’ve experienced or believe. Some symbols I can identify are the eye being a religious figure, the dark (Death and loneliness) and light side (Happiness and life) one feeling full and the other empty. The text in the middle is supposed to lean you towards the right. If I could start over I would have gone faster on the painting so I could complete it in the time I was provided. I love that story behind the painting and how much I relate to what is going on in the painting.