
7 x 10 Inches

Mixed media

This is a little pointillism attempt, kinda of a trail run because i would like to do something bigger. I really like how the outline around the deer looks to kind of break it up. i also like the colors I picked. Something i can fix is to add more detail to my trees.

Maddie in a storm


This is a painting of my cat in a storm. I was in inspired by all of the storms that have been happening . So I painted a storm and added it in. I would say this is surreal, there isn't a real meaning I just think it looks cool. I really was happy with the color matching of her fur. I would like to add more building on the bottom.


7 in X 10 in


This is a portrait of my boyfriend Ryan. First I drew out a basic shape and made sure the proportion were correct with a ruler. The medium I used is graphite. The thing I’m most proud of is the nose, I usually have a hard time getting them right but this one turned out pretty well. One thing I would change is to pull the chin down more and make the fore head smaller, other then that I really like it.