

It is easy to navigate to, within and between ePlan reports (outputs), dashboards and help screens.

Navigation Bar

A navigation bar is available at the top left of most pages. This bar allows users to export data in a number of formats, refresh the page, scroll through multiple pages, return to the previous page or search for relevant outputs/data.

Using Filters

Most ePlan outputs are generated by using filters. Filters are made up of a series of connected drop-down menus, as shown in this image. Filters are applied to generate or modify queries that tell ePlan what to look for in its data warehouse. Relevant data is then displayed to the user. Filters can then be modified to change the display.


Most ePlan outputs have tooltips. Further information is displayed in a popup box when a cursor is positioned over an icon, image or hyperlink.

Legends and Indicators

All ePlan outputs are accompanied by simple legends that explain the information presented, as shown in these images. Some outputs also have 'traffic light' performance indicators that evaluate the information presented against benchmarks.

Benchmarks will be set by Catholic Education Victoria (CEV) based on the best available evidence.

Attendance benchmarks were developed from advice from the Victorian Department of Education and Training (DET) and modeling of our own attendance data.

Benchmarks are described and explained in the help screens available for each output. They will be refined in future releases of ePlan.

ePlan Online Help

Within ePlan you will find Online Help pages that explain the outputs and reports, detailing the relevant business rules and benchmarks.

These are located by clicking the relevant tab at the top of any page within ePlan.