Supported Study

What is Supported Study?

The purpose of this tiered study hall approach is to provide a structured and supported environment where students are better able to study and complete homework. In addition, our Supported Study location is available to any CHS students who prefer a quiet environment to complete work or study. 

How will I know if I am assigned to Supported Study?

Communication regarding placement in our Supported Study Hall will be sent out to students and parents/guardians at each marking period. Students assigned to Supported Study remain assigned to the IMC location until the next marking period.

Why did I get assigned to Supported Study?

CHS cares about all of their students and would like everyone to succeed to reach their full potential. With that in mind, you may have been identified in any number of ways that include but are not limited to:

There are many reasons that you might be here, but now that you are here, let's do our best to help you achieve all that you can dream.

Where does Supported Study participants meet?

We are incredibly easy to find! 

Report directly to the IMC and have your attendance taken at the front desk. You will be instructed where you can safely store your cell phone while you are busy focusing on your grades. You will also be assigned a seat specifically selected to maximize your learning experience while you are with us.

After you find your seat, use the button above to find the daily survey. This survey helps a team of people see what your needs are for this period and will assist you along the way. Remember to fill out the survey with deep thought so that you can receive maximum benefit of all the Supported Study can offer you.

Now, settle in knowing that you will be guaranteed your own space to spread out your studies. You are only steps away from stacks and stacks of quality resource materials and knowledgeable librarians. While in Supported Study, you have complete access to the Bulldog Academic Resource Center where you can take advantage of one-on-one help with your studies, work on study and scheduling skills, or even schedule test and quiz retakes and make-ups.

Who do I talk to if I have questions about Supported Study?

Students with questions about the process or feel there is a reason they should not be placed in Supported Study should reach out to their assigned school counselor.