
Sunday, October 21, 2018

2:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.


2:00 Registration

2:20 CECA and CASL Presidents’ Welcome

The Reading Life: Connecting Classrooms, Libraries, and Communities through Story

John Schu (AKA Mr. Schu) is known for his expertise in children’s literature and for igniting a passion to read. He will share his experiences in promoting a culture of reading among students, staff, and parents. Participants will walk away inspired to implement heart-growing literacy practices that will make the world better and brighter for their students and colleagues.

3:30-5:15 Speed Geeking

A - Barbara Johnson

Goose Chase: Build your own classroom exploration or challenge with this virtual scavenger hunt!

B - Jenny Lussier

Merge Cube: Augmented Reality in a small cube. Explore a variety of apps and games in this tiny tool.

C - Richard Byrne

Google Science Journal app

D - Kathy Schrock

Virtual Reality: Come practice taking and viewing VR images and learn more about how to use them in the classroom.

E - Debbie Miller

Makey Makey: Learn how to incorporate Makey Makey into classroom activites

F - Melissa Thom

Rubik's Cube: Explore how to solve the cube, build a mosaic, and borrow from the lending library.

G- Jane Martellino

Charter Oak Children’s Book Awards

5:15 Exhibitor Showcase Presentations

Discovery, Discussion, and Demonstration

If you have ever looked at a list of educational apps or websites and wondered where to start, this presentation is for you. In this presentation I share the framework that I have developed over the last decade to evaluate educational apps and websites for classroom use. You’ll come away from this presentation with a simple framework for integrating technology into your classroom. While attendees will learn about a number of free tools, the focus is really on the purposes of using technology in schools.

6:30-8:30 Dinner Reception & Exhibitor Showcase

6:45 Exhibitors’ Presentations

7:15 S&S STEAM Playground

8:15 Drawings for prizes

Twitter Contest

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