Steven Anderson

Steven Anderson is a Dad, learning evangelist, educator, speaker, and author.

As a former classroom teacher and Director of Instructional Technology Steven is highly sought after for his expertise in educational technology integration and using social media for learning. As @web20classroom he regularly travels the country talking to schools and districts about the use of Social Media in the classroom and how they can better serve students through technology.

Steven has been a presenter and keynoter at several national and international educational conferences, including ISTE, ASCD, FETC, WISE, VSTE as well as numerous state and local conferences.

Steven is the author of 3 books: The Relelvant Educator: How Connectedness Empowers Learning, co-authored with his good friend and social media maven, Tom Whitby, The Tech-Savvy Administrator, part of the ASCD Arias series, and Content Curation: How To Avoid Information Overload, part of the Corwin Connected Educators Series.

He is also responsible in helping create #edchat, a weekly education discussion on Twitter that boasts over 500 weekly participants.

Steven has been recognized with the the 2009 and 2011 Edublogs, Twitterer of The Year Award, a "Top 50 Educational Innovators" award from the Center For Digital Education, a Microsoft Heros of Education award, along with a 2013 Bammy Award, recognized worldwide as the Educational Emmy, for his work with #edchat.

Monday Expert Corner at 9:00 in Celebrity D

High Impact Instructional Strategies

Join Steven Anderson for a conversation on the 6 most effective, research-based, high-impact instructional strategies. You’ll have the opportunity to examine your curriculum and lessons to see how you can integrate these strategies into your classroom.

Monday Tech Talk at 10:30 in Celebrity B

Engagement vs. Effectiveness:

Key Indicators of Highly Effective Technology Use

Technology in the classroom is becoming nearly as ubiquitous as textbooks and pencils. Each day students encounter lessons designed with technology in mind. However, as educators and school leaders, how do we know if the lesson is highly effective? What can we look for, in any classroom, in the context of learning, to determine if that use of technology is effective or not? When new technologies or instructional practices are introduced into classrooms, it can be a challenge for leaders to communicate how everything fits together to create a richer learning environment. Join us as we will examine the key indicators of highly effective technology use and how educators and school leaders can best identify when technology works and when it does not.

Monday at 11:30 in Celebrity E

4 Edtech Ways To Differentiate In A Student Centered Classroom

When moving from direct instruction to a more student-centered classroom, care and consideration must be taken to reach all learners. Through differentiated instruction, educators rely on several different methods and techniques to ensure students are successful. Differentiation of content, interest, process and demonstration can all serve to increase engagement and challenge students at their level. Effective technology integration provides additional support to a differentiated classroom. Join us as we examine the differentiation processes and how technology fits in the differentiated classroom. You will walk away with a ready-made, technology-infused differentiated toolkit and strategies to implement differentiation in any classroom.