Session 4

2:30 - 3:30


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Resources & Materials from Presenters

Featured Speaker


Ballroom A

Steven Anderson

What Is Effective Technology Use Anyway?

Each day, students encounter learning designed with technology in mind. As educators and school leaders, how do we know if the lesson is highly effective? What does effective learning really mean anyway? Teachers and leaders need to not only know how to make learning fun and engaging but also use research-proven strategies to ensure learning is effective. When new technologies or instructional practices are introduced into classrooms, it can be a challenge for leaders to communicate how everything fits together to create a richer learning environment. Join us as we will examine the key indicators of highly effective technology use and how school leaders can best identify when technology works and when it does not.

Tech Talk in Room 16

Fast-paced 15-minute presentations by dynamic speakers

Room 16 at 2:30 p.m.

Tech Talk by Liz Garden

Harness the Power of the Book Talk!

This session will focus on harnessing the power of the book talk. Participants will get ideas for different ways to do book talks. They will have a chance to see different book talks and learn about different books. They will also get to practice doing their own book talks.

Author Palooza

Room 21

Theresa Pelham

Roxy's Forever Home

I regularly do a 45-minute presentation at elementary schools. I read my books and show a brief slideshow. I'd be happy to participate in a panel discussion or do a Q&A if that seems more appropriate.

Room 22

Susan Hood

The Detective Hunt: Ask Me Anything about Researching, Writing, and Revising Nonfiction for Kids

Author Q&A

Room 23

Author Panel

The Positive Impact that Author/Illustrator Visits Have on Students

Donna Marie Merritt, Molly B. Burnham, Mike Curato,

Stephanie Robinson and Jessica Haight (co-authors)

Panel Discussion in Room 11

Moderated panels address current issues

Room 11

Multimedia Storytelling for Curricular Mastery

Doug Casey, Brett Pierce, Dr. Elizabeth Radday, Najla Staggers

Levels: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Post -Secondary, Adult

Suggested for: Classroom Teachers, School Librarians/ Media Specialists, Technology Teachers, Administrators, Technology Coordinators

Multimedia Storytelling is a powerful means for personal expression. But less often is it viewed by educators as a way to master curricula or address standards (ISTE, NGSS, AASL). We believe that multimedia storytelling represents a new frontier in increased student engagement, learning and work preparedness. This panel will explore how multimedia storytelling can 1) address STEAM, LA, History and Vocational content; and 2) be taught by any teacher, regardless of media comfort levels.

Apps to Preload: None

Playground in Room 17

(2 Sessions 2:30 - 2:55 and 2:00 - 2:25)

Informal 25-minute presentations on engaging topics

Room 17 [Play Area #1]

Build Bridges and Increase Student Engagement Through Service Learning

Sue Shaw

Levels: All Levels

Suggested for: Classroom Teachers, School Librarians/ Media Specialists, Technology Teachers

Increase student engagement and motivation through service learning projects. Come learn how our 5th graders successfully organized community service projects (Sandwich Club to benefit the St. Vincent De Paul shelter and the Card Making Club to benefit Animals for Life Rescue organization) while incorporating skills across different disciplines. The students planned, organized, created displays and presentations, used math, art, language arts, and technology skills to promote and complete their projects. Participants will start to brainstorm opportunities for community service projects and plan for collaboration within their own schools.

Apps to Preload: None

Room 17 [Play Area #2]

Slaying with Slides: Not Just for Presentations

Maureen Lamb

Levels: All Levels

Suggested for: Classroom Teachers, School Librarians/ Media Specialists, Technology Teachers, Administrators, Technology Coordinators

There are so many more ways to use Slides than just as a basic presentation tool. This playground will explore a wide variety of ways to create student ownership and choice, to give feedback, to collect data, to create portfolios, and share resources using Google Slides. Participants will come away with activities that are immediately applicable to their classrooms and address the ISTE standards of the educator as an analyst, facilitator, and designer.

Apps to Preload: Google Slides (not necessary, but helpful)

Room 17 [Play Area #3]

Code & Go: Creating Computational Explorers

Kate Wakefield & Kim Luiz

Levels: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Suggested for: Classroom Teachers, School Librarians/ Media Specialists, Technology Teachers

Even littles can learn the "literacy of code" in an hour, but how do educators take it further? Our integration of computational thinking for K-4 students within social studies content sparks engagement in this global-ready field. Participants will explore samples, templates and activities to create innovative and interactive virtual digital learning environments that engage and support learning in the area of social studies. By finding and designing virtual trips while incorporating CS, teachers can up level their social studies content.

Apps to Preload:, scratch jr., scratch, blockly for dash and dot, seesaw, sphero edu, google maps, google my maps, cospaces edu

Room 17 [Play Area #4]

Mindfulness Practices and Resources for Beginners

Roxann Riskin

Levels: All Levels

Suggested for: Classroom Teachers, School Librarians/ Media Specialists, Technology Teachers

Extending my library tech educational experiences, I now add a wonderful journey as a mindfulness educator-practitioner. My experience includes courses in MBSR from Yale University, Brown University's Mindfulness and Technology, UCF Mindfulness in Healthcare, University of Leiden's, Demystifying Mindfulness . As a graduate of the Mindful Schools in Educator's Essentials, I can provide mindfulness coaching too.

I have designed a Mindfulness Library Book Bag,and will bring these to share, Breathe, Hear and Feel and See.

Apps to Preload: HeadSpace, Stop, Think and Breathe, Calm

Room 17 [Play Area #5]

Beating Standards Fatigue

Laura Hedenberg & Erika Sacharko

Levels: All Levels

Suggested for: Classroom Teachers, School Librarians/ Media Specialists, Administrators

There are standards everywhere and we are all expected to know them, connect them and meet them. It's overwhleming and and many teachers and administrators are feeling fatigued. In Barkhamsted we took a different approach and started with our Vision of a Student and worked backward. This process not only aligned standards too district priorities, it aligned them to each other. We will share with you our rationale and our process, hoping to make your journey easier.

Apps to Preload: none

Exhibitor Expo

Exhibit Hall

Exhibit Hall

2:30 p.m.

EdTech Management Made Easy: Bridging the Gaps

Mike Papa, Scott Conway, Karen Lipski, Courtney Sovich

Levels: Adult

Suggested for: School Librarians/ Media Specialists, Technology Teachers, Administrators, Technology Coordinators

The edtech environment is evolving rapidly and new products are coming to market at unprecedented rates. What does this mean for edtech management and compliance? In this interactive session, hear from school district leaders about how they identify which learning tools are being utilized most, share information on which tools are compliant, and organize important resources and information related to edtech products with teachers and parents. Come ready to learn and share!

Apps to Preload: none

Exhibit Hall

3:00 p.m.

Maintaining Student Held Devices in a 1 to 1 World


This session will share industry best practices on planning your 1 to 1 spend. In addition, attendees will discover ways to better control the expense of maintaining their technology.

Traditional Presentations from 2:30 - 3:20

Formal 50-minute lecture-styled presentations

Room 12

Tips and Tricks for Running Your Library

Sarah Lynch

Levels: Pre-K, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Suggested for: School Librarians/ Media Specialists

Feeling frazzled during checkout in your elementary library with a fixed schedule? New to the library and not sure how to organize your routines/procedures/guidelines? Looking for tips and tricks to keep your library running smooth? Then come to this session where I will share some of my favorite routines for running efficient circulation, Destiny Library Manager reports, and collection organization.

Apps to Preload: none

Room 13

Building Connections with Schoolwide Literacy Initiatives

Elizabete (Liz) Nascimento

Levels: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Suggested for: Classroom Teachers, School Librarians/ Media Specialists

How can we use schoolwide literacy events to promote and sustain a culture of reading? Participants will discuss and share different school-wide events and practices that build connections between the school library and the larger school community. Attendees will hear about different initiatives and systems used by the presenter and also have an opportunity to share literacy activities that support a school-wide literacy engagement.

Apps to Preload: none

Room 14

WeVideo: Ignite Creativity and Illuminate Student Voice

Jennifer Cirino & Sarah Martin

Levels: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Suggested for: Classroom Teachers, School Librarians/ Media Specialists, Technology Teachers, Administrators, Technology Coordinators, Speech

Book Trailers. Directors. Voiceovers. Purposeful media selection. WeVideo is a Chromebook compatible, web-based, free video creation tool, which your students can use individually, or as a group, to create videos showcasing their learning. Using the example of a book trailer assignment collaboration between an English Teacher and a Technology Integration Specialist, we will demonstrate best practices used and ways to integrate WeVideo into your lessons, regardless of subject area. Ignite creativity and illuminate student voice.

Apps to Preload: WeVideo

Room 15

Make Digital Citizenship Engaging with Authentic Digital Literacy Tools

Renee Mitchill

Levels: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Suggested for: Classroom Teachers, School Librarians/ Media Specialists, Technology Teachers

The presentation offers ideas for connecting digital citizenship learning with digital literacy projects for kindergarten through 5th grade. Learners use engaging tools to practice digital citizenship and digital literacy skills by creating authentic digital products. Examples of projects include video PSAs in kindergarten, comics in 2nd grade, and memes in 4th grade. Some tools include Google Draw, Make Beliefs Comix,, and

Apps to Preload: None

Room 24

Developing and Nurturing a School-Wide Culture of Reading

Melissa Thom & Leslie Preddy

Levels: All Levels

Suggested for: Classroom Teachers, School Librarians/ Media Specialists, Administrators

Attendees will learn tangible and practical ways to develop a school-wide culture of reading, as well as a range of strategies for engaging and empowering all members of a school community to be active participants. Members of this session will walk away with strategies and programming ideas to engage, inspire and encourage students and staff to develop a love of books and reading; ideas and resources for building a culture of reading; and tools for maintaining a high quality, high interest book collection on a budget.

Apps to Preload: None

Room 25

Engaging students with coding and robotics in lesson plans using unplugged and plugged activities!

Laura McCaffrey & Elizabeth Plasky

Levels: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Suggested for: Classroom Teachers, Technology Teachers, Technology Coordinators

Our presentation will show have different technology tools are integrated into lessons. We will show examples of how coding and robotics can take the lesson plan to the next level. We will show how to enhance the lesson plans. It is not enough to give teachers technology tools they must be given the training and examples of how technology tools can take the lesson plan to the next level of engagement for the student.

Apps to Preload: None

Room 26

Immersive Learning: Implementing Virtual Reality

Jennifer Niro & Rachel Rice

Levels: 9, 10, 11, 12, Post -Secondary

Suggested for: Classroom Teachers, School Librarians/ Media Specialists, Technology Teachers, Technology Coordinators

The Virtual Reality experience allows teachers and students to reimagine learning. Creativity, out of the box thinking, and new possibilities expand curriculum beyond traditional models. See how Virtual Reality is being implemented into a school setting beyond watching a 360 video. Participants will understand the challenges and successes of using VR in education through the experiences of teachers in our Art and Science courses and how we plan to expand into other curricular arenas.

Apps to Preload: None

Room 27

How do 21st Century Students Decode the Past: an Interactive Museum on Indigenous People

CASL Award Winners

Fran Kompar, Nicole Ryan, Jason Greasley, Esra Murray, Julian Curtiss, Audra Good, Melissa Thom

This transdisciplinary (beyond disciplines) unit of study integrates multiple disciplines for students to investigate and develop their own inquiry questions regarding the life, culture, and economic development and lasting impact of indigenous people in the United States. The inquiry model and research process are embedded throughout the unit, as well as lessons that integrate literacy, AASL, and ISTE standards. The unit ends with a performance assessment in which students choose an artifact they learned about in the unit, finalize research, write and record a story about the artifact, and recreate the artifact using Makerspace resources. The project culminates in a Living Museum presentation for students to share their work. Students used an online voice recorder, managed numerous technology skills, programs and strategies to storyboard, record, create QR codes and critique their peers' work. The final living museum received a BOE Salute to Excellence recognition.

Talk to an Expert in Pre-Function Area

(2 Sessions 2:30 - 2:55 and 3:00 - 3:25)

Small-group time with experts in a variety of areas

Pre-Function Area [Table 1]


Stephen Slota

Pre-Function Area [Table 2]

MakerEd: Nurturing Creativity

Irina Tuule

Pre-Function Area [Table 3]

eSports in Schools

Clint Kennedy and Andrew Cochran

Pre-Function Area [Table 4]

Google Suite

Carolyn McElravy