Educational system

The Educational system

The educational system was one of the ways that Hitler got his message and idea to different ages of people . One of the subjects that was implemented in the education system was racial science. Racial science taught about races and which race was superior, which was the Aryan race in Hitler’s mind.



Eugenics was a class that showed non-Jewish, German children what race to breed with. Eugenics is the science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of certain characteristics. Nazi's used this to get the "perfect" German. A Jewish and German breed was forbidden, but if it did happen, they were called Mischling's

Racial Science

Racial science taught about certain features of a specific race's body and these features were based on the "stereotypical" jew. It also taught about races and which race was superior, the Aryan race in Hitler’s mind was superior to all races and were the ones that were supposed to run the world. Hitler did not only try to spread this idea to children, he did it to adults.