A.D. Of Hitler

Hitler had a big impact on the world and the youth of Germany. These groups of young individuals have grown up and have since taught others to follow their path. Neo- Nazism started after World War II and sadly is still circulating in the world today. Neo- Nazism groups after the war, consisted of what they called “broken” children and skinheads. These groups would steal weaponry and attack and rally. The reason these “broken” or awry children joined these groups were because they didn't really have a supportive family and decided that these groups were there only family.

Hitler left a mark on Germany, and on the world, and people looked up to what he did and his ideology. There was a lot of people trying to follow in the footsteps of Hitler and how some of these ludicrous Neo-Nazi groups were run. These groups would steal weapons from the German army, teach “broken” children the Nazi way, and persuaded many children and adults that the way Hitler ran things, was the way the rest of the world should run things. Michael Kuhnen, a Lieutenant in the German army after the Holocaust took place, was fired because of pro- Nazi beliefs and was a gateway to many more soldiers.

Michael Kühnen was a leader in the German neo-Nazi movement. He was one of the first post-World War II Germans to openly embrace Nazism and call for the formation of a Fourth Reich. After being kicked out of army, he went on to being an author.