Propaganda Uses

Nazis used propaganda a lot, and they used it for so many purposes. Hitler had so much power, he could ban anything. For example, one thing that Hitler didn’t like was modern art because he believed it was corrupt, so he banned it. One thing that most everyone knows is that the Nazis didn’t like Jews, and they would put up many signs, posters, or anything to get their point across. One poster the Nazis put up had a picture of a Jew with a caption that read “The Jew is a bastard.” The Nazis would do this all of the time, and they didn't care if they hurt any Jewish people's feelings. Some people were really smart and used very clever techniques to help the Nazis. For example, a movie director named Leni Riefenstahl placed Hitler in an image with a picture of a church(left). In the picture, he had Hitler in the foreground and the church in the back, to appear that he towered over it. In this image, Leni Riefenstahl used the method of twisting and exploiting the truth, because Hitler really isn't that tall. Lots of things the Nazis said didn’t even make any sense. There were stereotypes said that Jews wanted to take over the world! They didn’t even have any evidence to prove it. They also said that Jews had big noses that were shaped like the number 6. They said that because their noses were shaped like a 6, Jews were demonic.