Irena after the Holocaust

"My mother's hope is that such a war and Holocaust will never happen again, and that people will learn to be more tolerant. And they will be willing and ready to help the ones in need. She thinks it is human nature to help the weak ones and she doesn't think about it in terms of courage. For her, it is the normal thing to do. It's obvious that you should help the ones who need help."

-Janina Sendler (Irena Sendler's daughter)

This is a video that shows what Irena saw during the Holocaust, and how it affected her.

Irena dug up the lists that she had hidden in jars. She had burried them under an apple tree. She tried to locate the parents who had survived, and bring their children back to them. Although she tried to find the parents that many of them hadn't survived. She then turned the lists over to "Zegota" administrators. Once the war was over Irena was able to marry Stefan Zgrzebski. Irena ended up also having two children, one was a boy and the other was a girl. After the war a communism. government came to power. Irena then got blamed for helping the Polish rather than helping the communists. Irena suffered a miscarriage because of all of the pressure put on her during the times she was imprisoned and interrogated.

On Octoberr 19, 1965 it was revealed that Irena Sendler had been given the title of being one of the Righteous Among the Nations. At the Avenue of the Righteous Among the Nations a tree was planted in her pride in the entrance. An American high-school teacher sent three of his students on a mission to bring Irena the acknowledgement she had earned.

This is a picture of the tree Irena earned for being declared one of the Righteaus Among the Nations.

In 2007 many people who Irena had saved got her nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, although Al Gore won that year. She didn't get upset about it though she stayed strong. She sadly passed away in 2008. Many books and movies were made after she passed away. For example in 2009 "The Courageous Heart of Irena Senler" was made. In 2011 PBS made "Irena Sendler: In the Name of Their Mothers" Books like "Irena's Jars of Secrets" were also made in her memory. Irena Sendler will never be forgotten for what she did to help others during the Holocaust. I think humanity needs to work together to make sure something like the Holocaust doesn't happen again.

"The world can be better if there's love, tolerance, and humility"

-Irena Sendler