How Irena was raised

On February 15, 1910 Irena Sendler was born in Warsaw, Poland. Although she didn't grow up there, she grew up in a nearby town called Otwock. As Irena was growing up her parents both believed in doing the right thing even if it means they don't agree with how society sees things.

This is a picture of Warsaw Poland in 1910. This is a picture of Otwock in 1910.

Her dad supported Polish independence, and helped the poor. He started helping others because his parents didn't have a lot of money while he was growing up. This caused him to have trouble in medical school because of his activism. He did become a doctor later on in life. Her dad worked in Stanislaw where a medical practice got set up. Family relatives made a building for him to treat his patients. He treated tuberculosis and other lung diseases. Her dad later helped treat victims that were suffering from a deadly disease called typhus. Her dad later caught this disease, and died from it. Soldiers got this disease from Russian bullets. Not many other doctors were willing to help these soldiers.

This is a picture of Irena Sendler's dad.

"From the very first day in this job, I was delighted by the wonderful atmosphere of kindness, tolerance, and love for every individual and the spreading of the ideals of goodness and social justice to the entire world." -Irena Sendler

Their family didn't think anti-semitism was right. Her whole family always did what they thought was right, and they didn't get influenced by what other people were saying. Ergo I think this is what made her be the amazing hero she was during the Holocaust.

This is a picture of Irena Sendler saying what she was seeing, and what pushed her to do what she did.