Railroad System operation

The operation of deportee trains was very organized and logistical. Two men coordinated these operations. They were SS Chief Heinrich Himmler and SS Lieutenant Colonel Adolf Eichmann. They were so important that people with a higher rank had to give way to their orders. Below are some facts about the operation of the railroad around the deportee trains.

-If the deportee train met a train on the line that they were traveling on, the non-deportee train would always have to move onto another track and get out of the way of deportee train.

-When the trains were operating, they operated like all the other trains with the same schedule. The only difference with the schedule was that there was a coding system explaining where the deportees were coming from.

-DA codes on the schedule meant the train was coming from outside Poland.

-PK or PJ codes on the schedule meant the train was coming from the federal government.

The efficiency of the railroad method was quite amazing, but at the same time, scary. This quote shows this.

“With particular joy, I noted your assurance that for two weeks now a train has been carrying, every day, 5,000 members of the Chosen People to Treblinka, so that now we are in a position to carry through this population movement at an accelerated speed.”- Karl Wolff, a chief working for Himmler

SS Chief Heinrich Himmler

SS Lieutenant Colonel Adolf Eichmann