Holocaust Deportation

When the Nazis came to power in WWII, Jews were targeted and forced to leave their homes. They were sent to concentration and death camps, where they endured horrible acts of torture by the Nazi soldiers. There is one aspect, though, that many people may not think about. How did the Nazis move the huge numbers of Jews?

The Nazis used trains as their main source of transporting Jews from their homes and to other concentration camps. The Nazis definitely didn't make this a pleasurable ride, though. The Nazis used cattle cars, usually used to haul farm animals, to transport the Jews. The conditions were horrible in the train cars, and many died on the way to the destination. Even with all the torture, the railroad system was very organized and logistical. The trains were a very efficient way of moving Jews from one place to the other for the Nazis.

A cattle car that Jews were transported in in WWII.

Jews were herded into the cattle cars by the Nazis before their torturous ride.