Labor of Prisoners

Camp Labor

The camps weren't just killing, but were in fact full of intense labor. A lot of the work the soldiers provided was for the war effort, but some was just to wear inmates closer to their death. Sometimes, soldiers would be ordered to move large rocks or build roads without much reasoning.

Jewish men forced to rake gravel for roads in the hot sun, often from 6am-8pm every day.

Jobs for prisoners

A few jobs that prisoners had in hastily built camps were cleaning privies and carrying away the dead. Both bred disease and bugs.

A few jobs that prisoners had in the more elaborately built camps were coal mining, firearms manufacturing, and runway building.

Most if not all of the prisoners working outside the camp had to walk miles just to get there. Sometimes, prisoners would bribe guards with jewelry and other item they had smuggled to get out of having to do work. Most of them failed because the guards would torture them or they would be caught smuggling.

Prisoners of the Dachau camp building guns and munitions.

Inmates forced to march with shovels to a 10-12 hour work day.