Josef Mengele

Who he was

Josef Mengele was a German officer and biologist in Auschwitz. He was important to the Nazis because he did horrible experiments on Jewish inmates in Auschwitz.

Josef Mengele

Josef Mengele's experiments

The high altitude experiment: This experiment was to test the limit of the human body at high altitudes. Inmates were put in low pressure chambers simulating low air pressure and low oxygen levels, often suffocating the patient.

The incendiary bomb experiment: He would often test the effects of burns and incendiary bomb materials on patients, causing severe pain, nerve loss, and death.

Freezing experiment: victims would be placed in a tank of ice water for 3 hours, often dying in the process. The experiment was to find a way to treat people people who had been severely chilled.

Salt water experiment: victims of this experiment were given only chemically processed sea water. The experiment caused great suffering and injury for the inmates.

Josef Mengele's freezing experiment