Research Paper

Hitler’s Rise to Power

Once there was a boy named Adolf Hitler. He always wanted to be an artist as a little boy (Benet’s Reader’s Encyclopedia). He entered multiple art clubs but was never accepted (Benet’s Reader’s Encyclopedia). When Hitler got older he served in WWI and joined a Bavarian regiment and fought at the Western front, receiving two medals for bravery (Benet’s Reader’s Encyclopedia). After Germany lost in WWI, Hitler blamed the loss on Communists and Jews (Benet’s Reader’s Encyclopedia). Hitler became eager to join the political action so he remained in Munich after the war and built a tiny nationalist party, which was to become Nationalsozialistischet Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or the Nazi Party (Benet’s Reader’s Encyclopedia). Hitler's rise to power was significant to the Holocaust because after Germany lost WWI he blamed it on Jews. Hitler wanted to be a “master race” and Hitler wanted to defeat Russia.

When Germany lost in WWI, Hitler used Jews as a scapegoat after the lost (Benet’s Reader’s Encyclopedia). Hitler believed that Jews were so bad because they would not make it as their own race (Mitchell). Not a lot of people felt the way Hitler did about Jews so when a Jewish man shot a lower class political person, Hitler jumped on the opportunity to make the Jewish people look bad (information from class). When in all actuality the Jewish people are a very nice group of people. Hitler thought that Jewish people were “poison” (Benet’s Reader’s Encyclopedia). He sent Jewish people to concentration camps to try to get rid of this race from Germany. Hitler believed that if you were not from Germany or had Germany blood you were “contaminated” or your blood was “poisoned” (Mitchell).

Hitler was a man of his words, he wanted to make Germany a master race. You might be asking yourself “What is a master race”? A master race is a word that Nazis’ used that meant to be an all white race, or a pure race (Mitchell). Hitler felt that Russians were the master race of the time so he wanted to defeat them but we will learn about that later (Benet’s Reader’s Encyclopedia). Hitler believed that one way to become a master race was to kill any race or religion that he thought were more inferior such as Jews, Poles, and Homosexuals (Benet’s Reader’s Encyclopedia). Plus, Hitler and the Nazis believed that they need to have “selective breeding” (Wood). There was a quote on a poster that said “God cannot want the sick and ailing to reproduce,” it aimed to try to get rid of the ill or mentally ill people (Wood). The humanity of killing off races and ill people was horrendous.

Hitler was a man who liked to cause mayhem (Benet’s Reader’s Encyclopedia). One way that you could tell he like to cause mayhem was he liked to embarrassed war with Russia (Mitchell). The reason he would go and fight against Russian military was because he believed that Russia was the master race of the time of WWII ergo, he wanted to defeat them (Mitchell). When Hitler knew he had to defeat Russia to become a master race he would have to just look pass the Treaty of Versailles, which was a law that Germany had limitations on their military (Class and Benet’s Reader’s Encyclopedia). Hitler didn’t think twice about look past on the treaty and tried to defeat Russia (Mitchell).

When you think of WWII you may not think about Hitler's rise to power was not a great influence on the Holocaust and or WWII. When Hitler rose to power some of the most important actions that Hitler did was, he blamed the Jewish race for the Germany's WWI lost, Hitler tried to make Germany a master race, and he wanted to defeat Russia. Hitler believed that the Jewish race couldn’t make it in humanity by themselves. Hitler believed that Russia was the “master race” so he wants to defeat Russia. Let's just think about this for a second. If Hitler never came into power how would that have changed races, Germany, and other countries in the long run? Would there be a significant difference or a small difference?