Master Race

What is a master race?

Before you learn about what Hitler did to make Germany a master race we need to know what it means. Master race to Hitler meant, to be an all white race or a pure race.

What is selective breeding?

Selective breeding is when you take a baby that is born that has a disability like no arm or a mental disability wouldn't make it in Germany ,so they got "rid" of them.

Hitler's Master Race

Hitler wanted to make Germany into a "master race". Hitler thought that Russia was the master race. Hitler wanted to defeat them but that is on the next page. Hitler believed that the only way to become a master race was to kill of any race or religion he thought was more inferior such as Jews, Poles ,and Homosexuals. Hitler thought Germans had to have "selective breeding." "God cannot want the sick or ailing to reproduce," that is a quote from a poster back in the Holocaust.

These are some men in a concentration camp. These were places that Hitler sent the more inferior races and religions.

This is a little boy in a concentration camp.