The Liquidation

This is a picture of a lot of Jews because they were put into gas chambers in groups.

Nazis felt the need to exterminate all of the Jewish people so the first thing that came to mind is kill and they would kill them in many ways and some ways were tricks and would not kill them at first but eventually like working them to death because it happened a little well kinda a lot but yeah worked to death. They would gas them and which there were upgraded to chambers because the gas vans were not big enough for what they wanted to do. They would have this thing called 'role call" and that is where they would line up a whole bunch of people and a lot of the time random people were chosen to be killed on the spot and if resisted you would be shot, and if you went along with it you would be killed by being beaten or eaten to death by dogs or Nazis. Nazis would let the Jews not be killed by gas in chambers but got sprayed by cold water.