How death camps were ran and treated

The camps were run by high ranking and loyal Nazis to Hitler. Inside the camps Jews were being starved and transported by trains and walked in lines and if not walking fast enough they would be whipped. Jewish people would work at least 12 hours a day with a very small break. All Jews had to be there for roll call and if they did not get up and go they would be killed when found but if you did go you would also have the chance of being killed there because there was a chance of them choosing you to kill. Some Nazis would beat and kill Jewish people just for fun but a lot of the time they would work them just to see them struggle to work. They were fed very little and when it was soup day people would want to be in the back of the line just so they can get all the good stuff because it would all sink down to the bottom. The worst death camp was Treblinka but the most famous one is Aushwitz and that is because for some people it is fun to say and and was in the top 3.

This picture is to represent the fact that Jewish people would work and struggle for Nazi pleasure.